I love technology. In fact, if I was less into technology I’d probably be able to fill at least two paragraphs with cleverly written, poetic narrative expressing my life’s journey. But honestly, I don’t want to waste my time spending hours thinking of funny ways to write things and I don’t want to waste your time, as this blog here is simply going to be a side page of mine to document interesting things I’ve found when building apps using Swift and Xcode. If you’re an ‘intermediate’ or ‘advanced’ programmer, whatever that might mean, you might find all of the things I’m documenting old hat, so to speak. And that’s fine.

But if you’ve ever been stuck on a problem for hours only to find one person within the whole interwebs has found a solution for your specific need, well… you’re a starfish, that person with the answer is the kid throwing starfish one by one back into the ocean, and I am not good at metaphors because I now realize that this one doesn’t actually apply here.


As I go through some applications I’m working on, I’ll post on certain specific things I’ve tried to do that I found hard to get just right.

Stay tuned.